Who is this?

Technology Editor of Times of London until July 2010. Now swimming in the freelance shark pool, with abiding interest in games, gadgets and what it all means. If you're looking for product reviews, head elsewhere. Unless it's a really nice product. This is more of an attempt to sift out what matters from what doesn't. With a bit of gossip thrown in for good measure. I'm also learning to use Blogger as I go along, so please bear with me.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

It's not too late to save Xmarks!

It's never easy to say goodbye to a loved one, so it is with a heavy hand on the keyboard that I report the impending demise of Xmarks, the free cross-browser bookmarking and password synchronisation service.

I have been using Xmarks since it was called Foxmarks, and I have marvelled at how a service can allow me free access all my bookmarks on Firefox (in my case) across all the different computers I use.

Surely something so useful was too good to be true.

So it has proved.

On October 1, I received an e-mail saying that Xmarks was shutting down in January.

I felt a real twinge of sadness. This is a great service, falling victim to the uncertainty of internet monetisation.


Perhaps there's hope after all. It turns out that so many people have been screaming "Noooooo!" into their computer screens that Xmarks might be reprieved.

According to the Xmarks blog some companies are interested, and there's a possibility that enough people pledge to pay for the service ($10-$20 per year), then it can be saved.

There's an online pledge campaign running and if it generates enough promises of cash, Xmarks might still be here this time next year.

So act, or keep your hands wedged in your pockets. It's up to you.

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